Before living abroad, I struggled to articulate what it means to be American or to coin what defines my national identity.
Truth be told, I still do.
In conversations with Koreans or other expats, cultural comparisons are the hot topic. They rattle off with authority about their cultures' stance on everything from sandwich toppings to sexuality. More often than not, America's ethnic assortment prevents me from weighing in on the subject. No worries. Diversity over unified sandwich preferences any day!
What I can say without question is that Americans are dynamic, creative, passionate individuals who believe wholeheartedly in their right to be heard. I'm proud to say that we continue to have a President that truly represents who we are as a nation, and that is well respected all over the world. I've lost count of the times that a taxi driver, sales clerk, seemingly rogue child, fellow airline traveler or elderly man has asked "Where are you from?" and upon learning I'm American, responding with a huge smile plus " I love Obama."
Me, too.