Ventured to Seonyudo again on Sunday. More biking, hiking, climbing, and startling sea creatures. The above picture was taken from the top of the left summit in first picture.
Your standard string munching anemone living in a tidal pool. There were hundreds of these fellows in the rocks below.
This is what the above anemones look like when you touch them with a shell, not a finger. Of course.
The second climb of the day. Home to both Rabbit rock and the Grandmother stone.
Knotted ferns (?) that so convincingly felt like rope I had to dig for their roots just to be sure they were indeed a plant.
The regal ambassador of Seonyudo. Past times include eating kimchi, and chewing paper cups or shoe laces.
You're beginning your first ascent and hear rustling leaves. First thought "#$! Why did I keep putting off researching venomous snakes in Korea?" You wait quietly while the rustling continues. A flash of red catches your eye. Cautiously you look closer, and there crouches the first of many mountain crabs you will meet today. Ah Korea, you're never what I would think to expect.